Pain Management

cat sitting on table with pain management options in front

We know how to recognize and manage pain

Animals will instinctively hide their pain as a survival mechanism. In the past, this led to inaccurate assumptions about the capacity of dogs and cats to feel pain.

Pain management helps improve recovery, reduces stress and increases a sense of well-being; pain management may even help your pet live longer. 


  • Inactivity
  • Rising slowly or “collapsing” to lie down
  • Walking with a stiff gait, especially after getting up
  • Standing or sitting in unusual positions
  • Trembling
  • Inappropriate elimination
  • Whining, whimpering, howling, or constantly meowing
  • Constantly licking or chewing at a particular part of the body
  • Acting funny and out of character, either aggressively or submissively
  • Unable to get comfortable (constantly changes positions to find the most comfortable position)
  • Develops new and inappropriate behaviour like chewing on objects such as wood (which may indicate a dental issue).

The longer the pain goes on the harder it is to control, so we always want to treat this pain as soon as possible.